There’s a lot of research out there showcasing the benefits that both kids and adults gain from taking piano lessons – but we also know that it can be tough to fit lessons into a busy schedule. With the time, commitment and price involved, are they really worth it?
As the weather gets better, most kids’ schedules are filling up fast. The beginning of summer begins to tempt us all outdoors and kids want to play sports, explore the beach, get dirty and just be kids! However, there is always the pressure of school & homework, so how do you know when enough is enough ad it's time to start directing your kid's activities more? And how do you know what activities will be worth it for your busy kid?
I’m here to tell you that piano lessons are worth it! Here’s why:
It has long been preached that music education carries significant benefits for our developing children. It teaches how to work well with others, how to communicate effectively, how to speak a new language, and how to use our bodies to portray an abstract thought. In other words, music teaches us how to be curious, introspective, well-versed human beings, ready to interact with our surroundings in a way that brings meaning and beauty not only to our own lives, but also to the lives of everyone we interact with.
Having trouble in math?
Not crazy about joining the football team, but looking for a hobby to stay engaged?
Missing out on creative outlets during your day?
Piano lessons can help with all of this.
Through piano instruction, your busy child is given an opportunity to build cognitive skills needed for math classes, an outlet for built-up energy after a long day at school that doesn’t involve tackling anyone, or just personal time for them to explore their creative abilities.
Maybe the most important reason to introduce piano to your busy child is that they will be able to do it for the rest of their life. When they go off into the world to dominate the workforce, explore the corners of the globe and start their own families, they will always be able to sit down at a piano and just play. Their time at the piano will be a treasure they can take with them anywhere.
I encourage you to look at your child’s schedule and work in piano lessons! I know that it has the ability to change your child’s life, and it just might change yours, too. Maybe you were a busy child once, who always wanted to give piano a shot. The same benefits of piano education apply to adults, too. It’s never to late to start letting the piano bring greater meaning and joy to your life.
Get in touch to find out more about piano lessons for children in Eastbourne, Pevensey, Polegate & Hailsham.
Elena Cornes 01323 768755